Printing Technology
Returning to the basics of printing and design expression and reaffirming the appeal of genuine quality, Kinyosha concentrates on process 4-color printing technology, the very foundation of printing services. Their goal is to maximize what can be achieved with 1 to 4 colors, as the name “Super Basic” implies. Kinyosha Printing seeks printing expression that goes beyond the merely mechanical.
Corporate Outline
A general printing services company with an 83-year history that offers services extending from prepress through offset printing, binding, and postpress. Kinyosha enjoys a large share in the entertainment packaging industry, with strength in audio, visual, and games. Their management philosophy is to “continue to be a group of professionals that bring pride, creativity and gratitude to our work and consistently earn the trust of society and the market.” It is this ideal that drives them to tailor their services to the times, the environment and the needs of their customers.